Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Parks and Recreation Committee who heard the Mari's Fire proposal. The committee has refered the proposal to the Sculpture with out Walls committee for a final decision.

Cannon Beach City Hall.

Inspection of concrete pad at a possible placement site.

Checking for level with a plywood template of the base of Mari's Fire.

Measuring the height of the Mari's Fire in front of the Dragon Fire Gallery where it will be place for a week after the initial unveiling celebration March 20th.

We may have an opportunity to have Mari's Fire displayed in a public venue prior to its permanent location at the artist retreat in Arch Cape.
A view from a possible sculpture site.

Linley is holding the light fixture that will be attached to the top of the mid section. Because of the difficulty defusing the internal light, the center and top glass sections will be fused to translucent glass.

A view of the bottom light fixture affixed to the bottom of the sculpture. Two concerns needed to be dealt with 1) defusing the light to all three glass panels 2) dealing with the possible debris that might land in the bottom of the sculpture.

Linley pointing out the wiring.

Week 22- Internal Lighting

The past week has been one of interesting details and learning: deciding on the internal lighting (which needed to be decided on prior to having the sculpture powdercoated), presenting before the Cannon Beach Parks and Recreation Committee to propose placing Mari's Fire in a public location for up to a year, checking out sculpture placement possibilities including the unveiling celebration on March 20th.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Changing the order of the sections.

The three glass mid section together to see how they flow.
Fire is in the middle in metal.


Close up detail found in the air midsection.

Air midsection back lit.

Air - bottom and mid section together.

In the kiln.

Changing the start of the air section - there were many trials before the final design was decided on.

Starting air mid section.

Week 21- Air

The next few weeks will consist of the following activities: working with the electrician to provide the right internal lighting, adjusting the brackets that hold the glass, powder coating the metal, finishing the top three glass panels, and coating the glass to withstand the coast weather elements.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Barrie with two sides of Mari's Fire-fire and water.

Problem solving.

Eeva and Kim check out the progress of Mari's Fire.
Fire elements in the metal sculpture.

Powder coat color- all metal that will be placed outside needs to be powder coated to protect it from rust.

Linley and Barrie fitting the bottom and mid sections.
One issue to take care of is how to fit three pieces of glass into the metal structure.

View of the inside of the mid section with the fire panel laying face down.

Detail of the front of the bottom fire panel.

Detail of the sculpture bottom metal work and the back of the fire panel.

Week 20- Metal and Fire

Detail of the metal work at the bottom of the sculpture